10 Huge Unresolved Mysteries In Mario Games

8. Were There Really Toads In Each Box?

Super Mario Confused

If there's one mystery the world of Mario has never been able to explain, it's the world's floating boxes. From the hard bricks to the iconic question marks, Mario without boxes would be a sad, strange world to live in, even if their abilities to just exist are still a mystery in themselves.

However, the official game manual for the very first Super Mario Bros. does attempt to unlock some of the meaning behind these boxes and bricks.

The manual reveals that each and every brick and block players find in the game actually all contain Toads, the lovable little inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom that serve as Princess Peach's workers. In a game that looks to have next to no back to it besides 'big baddie steals princess', this revelation is quite a shocking one.

Apparently Bowser has harnessed the ability to transform hundreds of innocents into blocks, which is only slightly more evil than the fact that Mario just continues to go along his merry way literally destroying most of them. If these blocks are all full of Toads, what happens to them when they get stomped on by an Italian plumber?

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.