10 Huge Video Games That Screwed Up Basic Things

7. The Broken AI - Aliens: Colonial Marines

Ghost of Tsushima

On paper, Aliens: Colonial Marines had the potential to be one of the greatest video games ever based on a movie, with early gameplay footage suggesting a reverent, visually enticing follow-up to James Cameron's action-horror masterpiece Aliens.

Depressing it was, then, that the end result was ultimately a joyless, low-effort mess of dull, repetitive gameplay, harmed most egregiously by the game's hilariously terrible AI routines.

Shortly after its release, a ton of hysterical GIFs and videos did the rounds online, demonstrating both how easy it was to skirt by the Xenomorphs, and how frequently the supposedly terrifying aliens would get caught in the environment and start "dancing" as a result.

AI generally only draws attention to itself when it's either really good (see: The Last of Us Part II) or really bad.

Considering how most AAA games can pull off at least basically passable enemy programming, this was shambolic for a major studio release based on a huge pop-culture IP.

To make matters even worse, it was discovered more than five years later that the bunk AI was due to a single typo in the game's code. It was consequently fixed by a modder, because Gearbox Software clearly stopped caring about the game the second it shipped.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.