10 Hugely Influential People In Gaming You Need To Know About

10. Sean Murray - Managing Director, Hello Games

This is an industry which rides on a rumbling machine of hype. A lot of it is hot air, instantly dismissed once the game hits store shelves and disappoints us terribly, but sometimes the gaming audience can't help but believe it. Take a game like No Man's Sky; this upcoming procedurally-generated universe-exploration trading-adventure world-simulator... thing seems so vast and inexplicable, but so damn wonderful that everyone seems to be succumbing to the hype and giving Hello Games the benefit of the doubt. Company MD Sean Murray, explaining this mystifying creature that they are busy creating, admits that the project sounds a little "Peter Molyneux-esque" - a friendly jibe at the industry legend, the king of unintentional hyperbole. If what Murray is saying is true, No Man's Sky deserves every bit of attention it's getting right now. It was the darling of E3, and for good reason. As the voice of the company behind one of the hottest properties in gaming this year, the gaming press and public hangs on Murray's lips for any scraps of information about this incredibly ambitious title. The gaming world has never seen anything like it, and everyone is waiting with bated breath to see if Mr. Murray will turn out to be a more reliable source of development propaganda than Mr. Hyperbole himself, Peter Molyneux.
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Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.