10 Hugely Promising Upcoming Video Games You Won't Want To Miss

8. Gang Beasts (PS4/Xbox One Version)

Gang beasts
Boneloaf Productions

What Is It?

A brawler-cum-wrestling game for non-wrestling fans and WWE-devotees alike. Essentially multiplayer-focussed, developers Boneloaf have - besides having the best name for a studio ever - made a physics-based fighting game where the two controller bumpers are mapped to your character's arms, allowing for everything from basic punches to elaborate grabs, slams and throws.

Why Should I Care?

Because it's ludicrously fun. Gang Beasts proved itself two years back when it first emerged as an Early Access game. Since then, it's gone from strength to strength, encouraging a fun community to experiment with the simple-yet-effective control scheme, just to see what they can pull off.

As you're free to grab anything in the environment, clambering up walls and obstacles for huge aerial drops comes naturally, as does picking up your opponent and chokeslam'ing them off the side of the environment - or just wailing on them in a massive slap-fest until one of you goes down.

As mentioned before, the game is already out on Steam, but with the devs confirming console versions are in the works and have been for quite some time, expect to see Gang Beasts crashing through your roof as soon as possible.

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