10 Iconic Video Game Characters Created By Fans

8. Clem - Warframe

Akuma street fighter
Digital Extremes

Warframe's much-loved Grineer defector NPC Clem actually originated from a meme where fans made fun of the Grineer's tendency to say "klem" instead of "them."

In late 2013, this led to player and artist Datareaper creating a comic, "The Chronicles of Clem," depicting a Grineer soldier who wished to defect to the Tenno (the faction the player belongs to).

Datareaper continued to release comics and iterate on his design until developers Digital Extremes decided to include Clem in the game for real, using Datareaper's own designs and weapons of choice, while also keeping his characterisation consistent with the comic.

Just shy of two years after the first comic was released, Clem joined Warframe as an NPC in a quest where players must help him get his weapons back. And even many years later, he remains one of the most beloved characters in all of the game's lore.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.