10 Images That Completely Killed The Magic Of Gaming

1. Xenomorph Walks Like A Dinosaur - Aliens: Colonial Marines

And now we come to the big one, the infamous image that did the rounds online last year and helped make Aliens: Colonial Marines a laughing stock of the gaming world. Gearbox Software's adaptation of the militarised world created so meticulously by James Cameron was one of the most-hyped games of 2013, though it soon become apparent after release that the game wouldn't live up to its hype. Why's that, you ask? Moments exactly like this: the level in question has the player stripped of all their weapons, requiring them to stealthily traipse through a sewer without attracting the attention of these Xenomorph creatures, who are blind and as such have enhanced hearing. So far, so good, right? It's all fine until you actually see one of these things walking around the sewer, waddling like a penguin and cradling their little arms together like a T-Rex, killing any tension the scene otherwise had and prompting most players into a laughing fit. The various parodies of the level only made matters worse, particularly this hilarious video, which dubbed over the hit song "Walk the Dinosaur". This level epitomises everything that's wrong with Colonial Marines conceptually, and illustrates why Ridley Scott and Cameron didn't show the Xenomorphs doing much walking in the movies... Which video game moments, glitches, crass practices and new, unsavoury trends have completely killed the magic for you? Let us know in the comments below!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.