10 Images That Will Restore Your Faith In Upcoming Video Games

2. Kingdom Hearts III

Kingdom Hearts 3 Toy Story
Square Enix

Why We're Worried: Kingdom Hearts III has been in the oven for a long, long time, and is it perhaps too long? Square Enix has been incredibly hit and miss for a while when it comes to RPGs: just look at how divisive the recent Final Fantasy XV was.

In addition to their rather circumspect discussions about the game's development, the lack of a concrete release date continues to leave fans concerned about what will really happen when it eventually comes out.

Why This Image Rocks: Square Enix just recently revealed that the game has a Toy Story-themed world, bringing to life the dreams of millions of fans of both franchises. Toy Story is so ready-made for inclusion in a Kingdom Hearts game, and the fact that the visuals so closely resemble the expressive style of the Pixar movies is a major credit to how seriously the developer is clearly taking this task.

It looks absolutely stunning, and the idea of getting to play as Woody and Buzz in a game that's not a naff cash-grab movie tie-in is proof enough that this game's probably going to be wonderful.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.