10 Important Life Lessons Learned From Video Games
The biology of this success has been studied within wall street traders. As a trader succeeds their level of hormones increase and the trader literally become sharper, faster and better. This then leads to more success, but eventually also to risky behavior (which costs stock holders lots of money). On the reverse, a stock broker who makes a mistake ends up fearing error and are too cautious. As wall street tries to figure out the pacing of success, gamers learn to master their success abilities automatically. The environment of games is "try again", and so many gamers let go of their fears of failing. This prevents a gamer from a "too cautious" slump. It also allows gamers on a winning streak who make too risky of an error to quickly bounce back and learn to pace themselves. The sheer perseverance is astounding, and gamers are actually in a unique position to solve seemingly impossible tasks because they are not easily discouraged. A recent project asked gamers to experiment with protein combinations in order to hopefully find a treatment for HIV. The odds were extremely low and any scientist would have been too discouraged to keep trying at random. Insert a large number of video game volunteers who approach the problem in the game Foldit, and a discovery was made that will lead to a better treatments for AIDS/HIV. Scientists had been working on the protein structure for over 10 years...and it took gamers 3 weeks... The epic win is the resolution so optimal it seems impossible. Games make it seem possible. This puts gamers in a unique position to take on the world's problems, and it will truly be exciting to see what solutions gamers discover.