10 Important Video Games That Defined Survival Horror

4. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Spanning several centuries, Eternal Darkness: Sanity€™'s Requiem is an ambitious, psychological horror which revolves around the character of Alexandra Roivas, a young woman investigating the death of her grandfather, Edward. The story itself is divided between twelve playable characters -€“ each of whom is introduced through a series of flashbacks €“- and revolves around an ancient God attempting to manifest himself on Earth, feast on the souls of the living and plunge the planet into a state of eternal darkness. As you do.

The gameplay revolves around a sanity meter which is decreased by various factors, such as being seen by an enemy or witnessing traumatic events. If this drops too low, the player will begin to experience €œ'sanity effects€', which subtlety alter the environment and cause random, bizarre things to occur. Some of the most popular examples include the television reverting to a blue screen, the volume being slowly lowered, and the walls in various rooms beginning to bleed.

It was an ingenious system that only enriched an already awesome game, one which has been almost universally praised since its release back in 2002. Though sales were poor, Eternal Darkness has slowly cultivated a following over the years, and is often heralded as one of the most standout games from the early 2000s.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.