10 Incredible DITCHED Video Game Ideas

7. Holding Your Breath - Resident Evil 7

Dark Souls 3

Resident Evil 7 went through numerous iterations before Capcom finally settled on their radical FPS reinvention of the series, complete with bone-chilling VR functionality.

A feature which was added during development but ultimately removed was the ability for players to hold their breath in order to quietly sneak past the game's enemies undetected.

It's easy to see how incredibly effective this could've been for VR users in particular, given the already intensely stressful nature of the game's incredible VR implementation.

Executive producer Jun Takeuchi explained that the feature was removed during testing for a very specific reason. "It was a really fun idea, but we found people tended to tense up and hold their breath for real, making it very tiring to play! It was a great idea on paper, but we ditched it because we thought doing that for 15 hours would give people hypoxia."

If Resident Evil 7 in VR isn't enough of a panic-inducing experience already, this absolutely would've clinched it.

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Dark Souls 3
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.