10 Incredible DITCHED Video Game Ideas

4. The Eight Scrapped Colossi - Shadow Of The Colossus

Dark Souls 3
Team Ico

Shadow of the Colossus' gameplay is comprised almost entirely of players battling against 16 towering Colossi, but Fumito Ueda's mind-bogglingly ambitious original plan was for the game to feature a staggering 48 Colossi.

Ueda eventually halved this to a more sensible 24, though a further eight were eventually cut from the final game despite reportedly being fully implemented during development.

These eight excised Colossi included a huge flaming Phoenix which had to be lured into a nearby lake (pictured), a monkey, a giant worm, and most terrifyingly of all, a massive spider.

Many of these bosses were cut due to their similarities to existing Colossi, with Ueda not wishing to repeat himself.

But considering that their A.I. routines and gameplay mechanics were apparently completed, it's a damn shame that they weren't included as a bonus feature in the recent remake.

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Dark Souls 3
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.