10 INCREDIBLE Indie Horror Games You Need To See

6. The Closing Shift

the closing shift
Chilla's Art

There’s plenty of great Western horror but I think a lot of us can agree that nobody does horror quite the same as Japanese horror offerings and The Closing Shift by Chilla’s Art is a perfect example.

Slipping well under the radar when it was released toward the beginning of 2022, this spooky adventure pops you in the unfortunate shoes of a waitress working the titular closing shifts at a cafe. There is an optional VHS filter that makes everything look shaky and even more horrifying if somehow this game isn’t scary enough for you. It’s relatively short, clocking in at around two hours during which you’ll hustle around the cafe while gradually realising you’re being stalked. There are a handful of unsettling jumpscares, the graphics vary between genuinely realistic and horrifying character models, and there are a bunch of endings to achieve. Spoiler alert, they mostly don’t end well.

There’s also the added horror of working customer service which honestly might be worse than the whole stalking thing, we’re not sure.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.