10 Incredible-Looking Video Game Bosses (That Sucked To Fight)

7. Killer Croc - Batman: Arkham Asylum

batman arkham asylum killer croc
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Batman: Arkham Asylum opens with the dark knight escorting the Joker to his cell. As Bats marches through the titular facility, he has a run-in with Killer Croc. When Croc alerts Batman he can find him now he has the caped crusader's scent, the player knows the pair are going to throw down at some point.

And when Batman reaches the sewer later in the game, the battle between the two seems inevitable. Once the carnivorous reptile burst from the waters and charges at the cowled detective, the boss fight is officially underway.

Or so it seems. After tossing a batarang at Croc, the monstrous supervillain falls into the water. Of course, Croc comes back every now and again, but it's not a big deal, since he can be subdued the same way every time.

Although Arkham Asylum has some ropey bosses, Killer Croc had no excuse. The guy isn't a thug or a whimsical supervillain - he's a man-eating dinosaur. And yet, Croc poses such a minor threat, it's hard to classify this encounter as a fight. Since he only appears for a few seconds here and there, it's more of a boss nuisance than a boss battle.


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