10 INCREDIBLE PS2 Games The World Has Forgotten

2. Second Sight

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IO Interactive

I will bang this drum until the skins are worn through and broken, but:

Second Sight is far superior to Psi Ops. There, I said it and I stand by it.

Whilst Psi-Ops may be all big noise and macho psychic power battles, Second Sight offers something much better: A compelling story.

Without wishing to spoil (although I'm sure I have on here before...), the plot of Second Sight had me hooked. It turned the espionage aspect on its head with the inclusion of psychic powers, and whilst some of it might be trite, the twist in there threw me for six.

It also had that it had that instantly recognisable Timesplitters aesthetic that Free Radical is so good at, hoping to draw fans of that series over to it.

I don't know how they could sequelise or make a franchise out of this, but honestly, I would love to see it return.

THQ own the rights, but unfortunately no psychic powers of persuasion from playing this have rubbed off on me to make anything come of it... sadly.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.