10 Incredible Video Game Characters Who Only Appeared In ONE Game
1. Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption 2

If would be easy to toss a load of new characters on this list to try and cheat the ‘only appeared in one game’ rule, but with Arthur Morgan, things are a little different. Not only is he one of the most complex and compelling characters in modern gaming, the ending of the game means we likely won’t ever see him again.
Yes, Red Dead Redemption 1 signalled the end of John Marston only for the sequel to actually be a prequel and give us more, but Rockstar are unlikely to pull the same trick twice.
That means one is probably all we’re going to get with Arthur Morgan, but his impact will certainly ripple through gaming for a while to come.
Arthur’s story challenges the usual video game tropes, with the man going on an emotional journey as much as a physical one. He’s a character as tender and heartfelt as he is strong and brutal, and one who has a huge impact on Red Dead Redemption 2’s colourful cast, as well as the players.
He drives the story onward yet never feels like bland plot device, and is so layered that it takes hundreds of hours to truly know him.