10 INCREDIBLE Video Game Dream Teams

9. Kratos (God Of War) And Doomslayer (DOOM Eternal)

Doom Guy Master Chief

Easily two of the best games in recent memory to come out have been PlayStation's God of War and Bethesda's Doom Eternal, which both had amazing stories and entire ocean's worth of gore and violence along with amazing soundtracks that people listen to even when they are not playing the games themselves.

Doomslayer has fought his way through hell for supposedly thousands if not millions of years, bring fear to every single demon and even any angels that have ever crossed his mute path. Kratos has literally ripped the heads off of gods, demons, titans, valkyries, and everything in-between.

Plus Kratos would probably be happy to have Doomslayer fighting alongside him as the armored clad monster from hell is completely silent. A welcome reprieve from being a dad to a very angsty and noisy child.

Seriously, these two are some of the toughest and meanest humans to ever exist. Even though Kratos has tried his best to calm down with age and fatherhood. However, if he ever decided to let his rage out alongside the mighty Doomslayer then the entire universe might rip and tear in half under the mighty arsenal these two men fighting with pure unadulterated rage.

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Halo Doom
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Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.