10 Incredible Video Game Mechanics That SHOULD Be Everywhere (But Aren't)

1. Quit To Desktop

Marvel's Midnight Suns

And finally, here's one for the PC gamers out there - being able to instantly quit to desktop from a game's pause menu.

As simple a feature as this sounds, there are a shocking number of AAA games in particular that require you to first exit to the main menu and only then are you able to quit the game outright.

Cynically, it feels like a cheap psychological tactic intended to keep players playing for longer, because if they have to spend added seconds closing the game down during, say, a frustrating boss fight, they're probably more likely to stick with it.

And while many games at least let you press Alt + F4 to kill the currently active window, in recent years an increasing number of titles have actually disabled this shortcut while the game is running.

PC gaming is supposed to be more versatile than its console counterpart, but making players jump through hoops just to quit the damn game does make it feel quite the opposite.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.