10 Incredible Video Game Stories That Got Everybody Talking

5. Bioshock Infinite

While Infinite crammed loads of different themes into its 12 hour run time, its choice to mainly focus on time travel and wormholes could have sank the entire experience. Fortunately, the game pulls it off like only the best sci-fi stories can. And because Bioshock Infinite managed to balance these heavy storylines as well as creating the equally great interplay between Booker and Elizabeth, the game managed to hit a home run not only in its lofty narrative ambitions, but in the small battle-to-battle interactions between characters that made up much of the game. But the star of the show, to this day, is that ending. You know the one. The twist that blew everything you thought you knew about the game out of the water. The entire final twenty minutes of Bioshock Infinite were so out there, so subversive and so well executed that debate still rages about their meaning two years on. In a way only the best sequels can manage, Bioshock Infinite re-contextualised the entire franchise and the entries that came before it.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3