10 Incredible Video Games That Came Out Of NOWHERE

8. Unravel Two

Hi-Fi Rush

Unravel is one of the most charming platformers of the last decade - an adorable indie puzzler best remembered for its iconic fabric-based protagonist, Yarny.

Following its solid reviews, EA announced that they had renewed their contract with developer Coldwood Interactive, prompting many to assume that they were hard at work on Unravel 2, albeit without any confirmation whatsoever.

So lo and behold, during their presentation at E3 2018, EA not only announced the existence of Unravel Two, but confirmed it was available immediately after the presentation.

And like all great sequels, Unravel Two raised the stakes and scale by introducing co-op functionality, allowing a second player to take control of a second, blue Yarny.

The follow-up was considered at least as good if not better than its predecessor by most critics, ensuring the shadow-drop release wasn't merely a case of EA quickly dumping a project that fell short of expectations.

Unravel Three when, though?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.