10 Incredibly Strange Celebrity Video Game Cameos

3. Ozzy Osbourne In BrĂ¼tal Legend

Some celebrity cameos don't really make sense, like transplanting Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter from their traditional setting of a late night television chat show to the unfamiliar environs of a space station: the juxtaposition can be a littler jarring, to say the least. Then there are the matchings up of celebrity and game that are so obvious you're surprised nobody thought of doing it before, as is the case with Black Sabbath frontman and shambling reality series star Ozzy Osbourne turning up in Double Fine's hard rocking adventure game Brutal Legend, which also features Jack Black as the voice of a roadie who gets transported to a fantasy world inspired by heavy metal album covers. Yeah, if you've not played Brutal Legend, you should remedy that ASAFP. It's awesome. Not that Black's Eddie Riggs is alone in his quest to defeat a bunch of monsters with the power of rock and return to his own dimension; he's given a helping hand by an ancient power from the bowels of hell. Played by Ozzy Osbourne. Also: the character is actually Ozzy Osbourne. There's also a bass-playing healer called Kill Master, based on and voiced by Motorhead's Lemmy, but Ozzy has to take the title of the strangest cameo in the game as the Guardian Of Metal, who upgrades your equipment and powers in between dropping F-bombs with greater frequency than he even managed on The Osbournes back in the day. The fact that he's like twenty feet tall is a little odd to boot.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/