10 Incredibly Underrated Video Games From Landmark Developers
4. Uncharted: Golden Abyss - Sony Bend
The PS Vita completely died on its arse, but the handheld console didn't deserve half the hate aimed at it. The majority of Playstation fans didn't bother picking it up, and that meant so many great exclusive games ended up being sent out into an uncaring void, doomed to be instantly forgotten.
Alright, it was more like a handful of great games, but still enough to lament their fates.
Uncharted: Golden Abyss was one of these killer apps, and even though it wasn't created by Naughty Dog, Nathan Drake's side adventure still retained the same sense of spectacle that defined the main series, and surprisingly lost little in being scaled down so much.
The prequel launched at a time where developers Sony Bend were at something of a crossroads though. The franchise they were known for, Syphon Filter, had come to an end, and the team spent the next generation supporting Sony handhelds.
It wasn't the most glamorous position, but it did ensure those machines received some stellar games, and even now Golden Abyss is a must play for Uncharted fans. It's a crime Sony didn't include it in the remastered collection.