10 Infamous Glitches In Video Game History

7. The Great White Jaws of Crysis

000092 Crysis is undoubtedly a beautiful looking game with some horrifyingly large sharks. I mean, good God! Would you swim in the same crystal blue water with anything the size of the sharks in this game circling below you? Saying yes to this scenario is not a sign of bravery, it's more like the admittance of a death wish. Especially when the sharks can come up on land and sand surf towards you at some thirty miles an hour... What? Yes, you read that last line correctly. On a certain beach in Crysis walking up to the water will trigger a shark to come swimming by. Killing it will trigger another and another one after that. Eventually as more sharks keep coming they will get braver by coming up on land to try and get you. If this sort of crap happened in real life no one would go to the beaches ever. No one. Ever. And if you disagree with that see for yourself.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation