10 Infamous Video Game Glitches That Cost You 100%

1. Quiet Glitch - Metal Gear Solid V

Video game glitches

Quiet is one of the more interesting companions in Metal Gear Solid V and definitely a fan-favorite character.

Except for those who were unlucky enough to experience the infamous Quiet glitch and unexpectedly lost all of their progress...

Yes, aside from her mutant powers, Quiet used to possess the ability to permanently corrupt your save file thanks to a particularly nasty bug.

The now patched bug cost hundreds of players their save files, simply because they wanted to try out taking Quiet as a companion shortly after recruiting her. It turned out that there are two specific missions that would secretly mess up the game's script if you brought Quiet along for them, and if you tried to load your save file afterwards, the game would flash you a corrupted file warning, preventing you from continuing.

The worst part was that you had no way of knowing what had happened until the consequences of teaming up with Quiet reared their ugly heads.

The bug was like what Psycho Mantis would do to your game if he were an actual villain and not a parlor trick magician that uses his fourth-wall-breaking powers to read your save history for giggles.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.