10 Infuriating Levels That Almost Derailed Great Video Games

8. A Quiet Exit - Metal Gear Solid V

metal gear solid 5

The entirety of MGS V's second chapter randomly threw in huge, barely-tied-together plot developments between repeated missions from Chapter 1, which is how you ended up with teammate Quiet being suddenly taken away from you.

Late on, a mission pops up informing you that you have to save her from an enemy fortress, which in theory should be the kind of explosive set-piece director Hideo Kojima does so well.

Unfortunately, despite a strong start, a good chunk of the mission is spent hunkered down and sniping wave after wave of incoming tanks. Tanks have always been formidable opponents in the MSG series, but here the developers to crazy with them. Every time you think you're done, a brand new batch of armoured vehicles roll over the hill, as you repeat the same hide-and-shoot formula while keeping your rockets stocked up.

It's just so boring, and no amount of cool, well-choreographed CG cutscenes can mask how uninspired the mission's design actually is. And then, for no real reason at the end, Quiet disappears forever.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3