10 Injustice Super Moves Taken Straight From The Comics

3. Gorilla Grodd - Various Comics

Joker Injustice Death in the Family
DC Comics

It's easy to forget that Gorilla Grodd is supposed to have telekinesis - partially because when you see a gorilla talk you presume that must be his superpower, and partially because he just doesn't seem to use it all that much.

For anyone who had forgotten this fact, Grodd's finisher in Injustice 2 serves as a handly little reminder. The villain flits between using his telekinesis and his considerable strength to beatdown on his opponent, creating an air combo that even the most professional Street Fighter player would look at with envy.

It's a great finisher, although this is slightly dampened by the fact that the first time you see it, you'll be totally distracted by the realisation that yes, Gorilla Grodd does have an extra superpower that both you and comic writers appear to often totally forget about.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.