10 Insane Dark Souls Shortcuts You Totally Missed

9. Secret Prison Cell - Sen's Fortress

Sen's Fortress is a literal deathtrap, designed to keep unwanted guests out of Anor Londo, the city of the Gods. If you make it through this place with your life on your first try, you should feel proud enough, as that's no easy feat. Of course, you may just as easily have tore through it with reckless abandon just to hang onto your precious souls. No-one would blame you.

One part of the fortress in particular demands pretty quick reflexes from the player. A giant drops huge boulders down into a sophisticated mechanism, able to shoot them off in one of four directions. At one point, you can either try and outrun the boulder up a flight of stairs, or find a small passageway at the other end of the winding ramp.

Speed is obviously the key here, so you may not have noticed a wooden platform you can drop down to halfway up the stairs, leading to a secret prison cell containing an armour set and a sorcery. Once you open the cell door, you can come back here anytime, which may well be the difference between life and death when trying to avoid those infernal boulders.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.