10 Insane Demands Games Made To 100% Them

9. Gears Of War - Seriously...

Mortal Kombat Achievement
Microsoft Game Studios

Gears of War is full of bloody, cathartic action that becomes highly satisfying to dive into. Each game has delivered a full package of brutal action, engaging stories and addictive multiplayer for all players.

One trademark of Gears of War is the notorious achievement 'Seriously...', which has carved its way into every game so far. While later entries upped the ante with even more enemies to kill or a long list of tasks to complete, the first is perhaps the hardest to obtain.

The original Gears of War, which gave birth to the achievement, tasked players with getting 10,000 -- in ranked matches.

Yep, that meant you would have to fight the best of the best, the most hardcore of players, in the attempt to reach a colossus 10,000 kills against players who play for real.

With each match averaging at only 10 kills for general players, this is a lot of matches and matchmaking to engage with. So not only is it an insane task to ask players to engage with, it also takes up a massive amount of time. Good luck, guys!

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Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.