10 Insane Lies Told On Video Game Box Art

7. Using Screenshots From The Console Version - WWE SmackDown Vs. Raw 2007 (PSP)

Mass Effect 3 Cover Lies

"Bullshots" are nothing new in video games - developers have been upselling their games for literally decades with misleading images which inaccurately present a game's graphical prowess.

But THQ got particularly cheeky when it came to the PSP release of wrestling game WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2007, which included two gameplay screenshots featuring Batista, Booker T, The Undertaker, and John Cena.

Except, to anyone with a pair of functioning eyeballs, it's clear that this level of visual fidelity simply wasn't possible on the handheld's hardware.

Basically, THQ had taken screengrabs from the PS2 and/or Xbox 360 versions of the game and just used them here, assuming people were too gullible to tell the difference.

The controversy over the deception was ultimately pretty muted, but it's all the more bizarre considering that the PSP version of the game was well-received by critics and didn't need to rely on such crass parlour tricks.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.