10 Insane Mods That Turn Fallout: New Vegas Into Fallout 4

1. Improve Shooting And Other Gameplay Mechanics

Download Project Nevada The Fallout series has never really shone in the area of shooting mechanics. While the VATS system did all it could to mix things up, the gunplay always felt a bit jittery and clumsy compared to FPS games. Clearly aware of this, Bethesda has been consulting with id Software - of Doom fame - on making gunfights in Fallout 4 a big step up from previous games. Project Nevada is a mod that adjusts a huge number of New Vegas' gameplay elements. First and foremost, it improves the shooting, throwing in a bullet-time mode (at the cost of action points) not too dissimilar to Fallout 4's new slow-motion VATS mode. It also adds a hotkey to throw grenades, an immersive visor overlay when wearing helmets, and a new 'sprint' action which uses up action points, but can actually knock enemies down if your strength stat is higher than theirs. Project Nevada also brings a whole load of new weapons (from other mods) into the game, and lets players adjust options like gore chances, food healing, and radiation rate - making for a more bespoke New Vegas experience. But if you don't want to dabble with all that, then this mod's worth getting for the awesome gunplay tweaks alone. If you're on PC, have you stuck to the 'vanilla' version of the game, or modded it to hell? Let us know in the comments!

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.