10 Insane Mods That Turn Fallout: New Vegas Into Fallout 4

8. Add Rain, Radiation Storms, And Sunny Skies

Download Nevada Skies - Weather Effects If there's one reason why you'd pick the Mojave Wasteland as a video game destination you'd live in, you'd think it'd be for the weather. Sure, it's arid, harsh and filled with murderous mutants, but that doesn't matter when you live in a country (UK) that has consistent sunshine for about one week of every year. it's sunny, and that's all that matters. By default though, the New Vegas wasteland has a dirty brown tint much in the same way that Fallout 3 has that murky grey-green tint. Even when the sun's out, everything just looks far too tawny, which after hours of wandering around it gets kind of depressing. Bethesda clearly learned its lesson for Fallout 4, which looks set to have more dynamic weather conditions and even the occasional bit of blue sky. But looking at some of the great weather mods available for New Vegas, it's clear where its inspirations stem from. Nevada Skies overhauls the weather in the game, giving the sky a spectacular high-res texture, throwing in dynamic, changing weather conditions like rain, sandstorm, thunderstorms, Fallout 4-style rain storms, and even snow in certain parts. It also gets rid of that brown filter, making the world look much more believable and kind of beautiful.

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.