10 Insane Things You Won't Believe Were Cut From Resident Evil Games

7. Hunters?! Here?! Resident Evil 1

resident evil shark

In another instance of a reworked opening section, Capcom was clearly not messing around when it came to the opening of the iconic Resident Evil 1, as in its beta form it was utterly brutal!

We all know the opening moments from Resident Evil, right? Move through the grand hall area into an extravagant dining room, then round the corner to be met with some truly creepy CGI that looks like the zombie in question has got a flaky skin condition. Well in the beta, the game throws two zombies at you right out of the gate, even hiding one behind a pillar for you to walk into, and then in the place of the cutscene zombie....is a HUNTER.

That's right, one of the most deadly enemies in the game presented to you in the first five minutes! This Beta was clearly out for blood as this was just mean!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.