10 Insane Video Game Costumes You Can't Explain
7. Food Tie In Gear - Various Games
Is there anything more shameless than plugging a fast food outlet in a video game? Well yes, the microtransactions being added in after the review period on Activision games takes the cake there, but these are a close second. Especially when the offending items make you look completely ridiculous.
You could dress up as Colonel Sanders in Phantasy Star Portable 2, or even weild a Pizza Hut themed weapon in Portable 1 (complete with crusty armour) and even don a laughable "noodle cap" in Final Fantasy XV. Now while I'm all for companies thinking outside the box when it comes to marketing, all of these examples and many more serve to make the player and their chosen avatar a bit of a punchline.
How the hell was I meant to take the weight of Final Fantasy XV's narrative seriously when Noctis is running around with a giant noodle pot on his head? I mean the detail of the lid flapping was good but come on! Shill with a bit more subtlety!