10 Insulting Video Game Features You Had To Pay For

1. Looking Glass Ocular Implant - EVE Online

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CCP Games

Gamers nowadays are more than used to paying to add extra details to their online characters. It makes sense, as you want to stand out when you're roaming a multiplayer world, right? But this monocle damn-near broke players after they learned how much it cost.

EVE Online is an epic space MMORPG that generates a vast and complex universe for you to play around in. As such, it comes with plenty of cosmetic options for those seeking to delve deep into the role playing, with the Looking Glass Ocular Implant being one of the most infamous, as it costs around $60! 

Naturally, if you're going to pay such a whopping amount (which could score you a decent Triple-A release), then you're going to want something good. This small, barely even noticeable monocle is far from meeting that standard, as it doesn't even impact the gameplay and makes precious little impact aesthetically. 

If you've got the money to waste on something like this, then good for you, but for everyone else it will remain a joke.

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