10 Intense Video Game Endings That Blew Us Away

3. Life Is Strange

last of us 2 ending

Though many fans were understandably miffed that a season's worth of storytelling and character development boiled down to a single binary choice at the end of Life Is Strange's first season, what an agonising choice it was.

In the stormy finale, players are faced with a dilemma: either save protagonist Max's best pal Chloe and let the town of Arcadia Bay be destroyed by the incoming storm, or save Arcadia Bay but at the cost of Chloe's life.

Either way, the outcome is devastating: save Chloe and Arcadia Bay and its residents are levelled, while in the more outwardly gut-wrenching of the two endings, saving the town leads to Chloe's death and a brutal, if beautiful, funeral sequence.

Whichever ending you ultimately chose, Life Is Strange set a new emotional benchmark for episodic adventure games.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.