10 Most Intense Video Game Franchise Rivalries

6. World Of Warcraft VS. All Contenders For The MMORPG Throne

Few games have had the cultural impact of World Of Warcraft - Blizzard's gargantuan MMORPG even has an entire episode of South Park dedicated to it, and that's got to tell you that we're dealing with a monster. World Of Warcraft forged a new image of what persistent online gaming could be, and earned a massively dedicated user base in the process. It also sounded an alarm to other publishers and developers: "There is big money to be made here, chaps, so get to it." But, as it turns out, the MMORPG formula is a tough one to unravel and recreate. So, instead of a market flooded with compelling options to replace Blizzard's cash cow, we see World Of Warcraft stepping up to the plate time and time again to knock the stuffing out of anyone trying to steal its spotlight. It's incredible actually - not even the mighty Star Wars license has carried enough weight to wrestle the crown from this gaming hall-of-famer. You could argue that Bungie has cracked it with Destiny, the bastard child of Halo and World Of Warcraft, but they're vastly different creatures really.
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Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.