10 Most Intense Video Game Franchise Rivalries

3. Wii Sports VS. Every Other Motion-Controlled Sports Game

You're welcome to disagree, but you would be wrong (obviously). Had it not been for the ridiculous success of Wii Sports - and, by extension, the Nintendo Wii - this whole motion-controlled gaming mess could have been avoided entirely. But Wii Sports was a hit, shifting over 80 million copies worldwide, and so obviously Sony and Microsoft jumped on the bandwagon. And so both Kinect and Move can be blamed on this cheeky little sports game. You can't blame the competition for wanting to grab a piece of the flappy-arms motion-control pie, but you can't blame us for not buying into it either. Wii Sports earned our attention because it broke new ground, but by the time Microsoft and Sony started churning out similar rubbish for their failed peripherals, no one cared. Microsoft is being quite tenacious in its approach to push Kinect 2.0 for the Xbox One, but Sony seems to have gotten the message with regards to motion gaming - we want to sit and twiddle our thumbs on a gamepad like in the olden days.
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Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.