10 Intense Video Game Levels NO ONE Beat First Time

9. Labyrinth Zone - Sonic The Hedgehog

the last of us

Sonic the Hedgehog's Labyrinth Zone represents by far the most sustained source of stress in the iconic platformer.

As if the zone's maze-like, ruinous layout wasn't enough of a challenge, much of it is centered around ever-pesky water-based platforming.

In addition to slowing Sonic's movement speed to a molasses-like crawl, the underwater sections impose a strict oxygen supply on the player, requiring them to surface or find water pockets periodically while navigating the levels.

When you're running short of air, the infamous "drowning music" will begin blaring out, which for an entire generation of players is basically synonymous with feelings of panic and anxiety.

All in all the level is a major difficulty spike, and proved frustrating enough in playtests that Sega actually moved it from the second zone to the fourth, for all that it helped.

Nobody made it through Labyrinth Zone without their fair share of stress, and more to the point, not a single living soul did it on their first try.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.