10 Intense Video Game Thrillers That Will Melt Your Brain

6. Heavy Rain

heavy rain the shark
Quantic Dream

How David Cage keeps getting funding after the travesty that was the end of Indigo Prophecy and all of Beyond: Two Souls, I'll never know, but at least there's the majority of Heavy Rain to enjoy instead.

Though there are multiple endings depending on how far along the "boy goes missing/stop the serial killer" storyline you got, there's only one Origami Killer: Scott Shelby.

Where it gets confusing and almost impossible to tie together, is how Shelby is one of the playable characters throughout the entire game. Cage wrote the revelation in a way that tags an additional scene onto an earlier meet up, showing Shelby take a life, but it's awkward at best.

Then factor in how family man Ethan was the one suffering from blackouts, wandering in his sleep and even waking with small origami models in his hands afterwards.

How does all of that fit in? Well, surprise, it doesn't!

Y... yay?

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