10 Intense Video Game Thrillers That Will Melt Your Brain

4. Bioshock

bioshock game

One of the most famous brain-breakers of all time, Bioshock's twist in the final third is positively legendary.

At this stage if you still don't know, please go do yourself a favour right now, but sufficed to say once Ken Levine's masterpiece was out in the wild, the entire industry shifted.

Bioshock's most memorable contribution to gaming (despite a bone-chilling revelation sequence) was introducing the concept of 'why'. Why do we blindly follow text prompts on screen? Why are we so trusting of NPCs and quest-givers? Why does Sonic like rings, Kirby eat so much and is Nathan Drake so okay with killing and quipping?

Bioshock's true mind-melter is forcing you to reevaluate your enter game collection and association with those storylines. Nothing would ever be the same again, and although its "Would you kindly?" scene has been everywhere at this point, it really is that damn good.

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