10 Invincible Video Game Enemies That Pissed Everyone Off

8. Pyramid Head - Silent Hill 2

Pyramid Head silent hill 2

Not every game with a terrifying unkillable enemy designed to knock you down a peg or two leaves you unarmed. Silent Hill 2 is more than happy to set protagonist James Sunderland up with weaponry, it just so happens that none of those weapons are effective against the gigantic blade-wielding butcher with a metal pyramid concealing his head. Despite feeling like you’re more than capable of taking out a nasty manifestation of James’ inner torment or two when need be, there’s nothing you can do about this guy.

While you will sometimes need to do your best to put this invincible iconic baddie down in Silent Hill 2, mostly all you can do is run from him and stay out of his way.

Perhaps the most overwhelming thing about Pyramid Head is that in the end despite fighting your way through plenty of things the game has thrown at you, his demise comes at his own hands and not yours. So if you were looking for some kind of grand vengeful last stand over James’ subconscious demon or your own frustration for being menaced by this guy the entire game, you were not going to get it.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.