10 Invisible Enemies That Made You Rage Quit
These invisible enemies are annoying enough to ruin your day.

No matter the genre, video game developers have consistently relied on the same collection of enemy types. Alongside generic grunts that pose no real threat, there's also the stronger brute, ranged foes, those which inflict poison or bleed damage, and the ones that grant buffs to other enemies. Another prominent type that's appeared in video games throughout the years is the invisible kind.
By incorporating their own distinctive mechanics, each of these enemy variants brings more variety and challenge to the combat of their respective games. Invisible enemies, however, are in a league of their own.
Often appearing as super agile foes that can move much faster than the players can, their ability to effortlessly evade attacks already makes them annoying enough to deal with without the issue of them being able to turn invisible.
While their ability to approach players without them being detected makes them particularly effective in horror settings, having to fight something that can't be seen is nevertheless more trouble than it's worth.
At their most infuriating, these enemies can become borderline unfair. There's nothing enjoyable about being killed by something without even knowing that it's there.
10. The Kaernk - Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2010)

Fifteen years after its initial release, Frictional Games' Amnesia: The Dark Descent remains one of the most terrifying horror games ever made. The pitch-perfect atmosphere kept players in a constant state of suspense as they explored Brennenburg Castle's foreboding hallways, never knowing what was waiting for them in the darkness.
One of this game's most harrowing sequences is found within a flooded area of the cellar. Upon entering, the sound of approaching splashes tells players that they're not alone. The source of these watery footsteps is the Kaernk, an invisible monster that attacks players whenever they're in the water.
The goal here is to find the levers to open the doors to the exit. Being unable to stay in the water, though, players must dash between crates scattered throughout the area to avoid becoming the monster's next meal.
With only a few seconds to reach safety each time players are forced to step into the water, this sequence is full of narrow escapes that are too close for comfort.
The relentless terror tests the nerves of any horror fan. However, by hitting the Kaernk with a crate or barrel, players can exploit a bug that stops it in its tracks, effectively killing it.