10 Jaw-Dropping Masked Villain Reveals In Video Games

Which baddies blew you away with their secret identity?

Arkham Knight J Brand

A villain in a mask can often appear far more menacing than the plain old individual behind it; and even when that's not the case, you're still left wondering most of the time just who it is under there, until that climactic reveal has them say goodbye to their dual identity and take you on au naturel.

When it comes to video games, you'll usually have to go toe-to-toe with these ruffians a number of times without knowing who they really are. And the longer the mystery is dragged out, the more you'll inevitably start to suspect anyone and everyone around you.

What's more, not all masked villains stay bad after they've been robbed of their disguise. Maybe they enjoyed the untouchability of being anonymous? Or, maybe they were just a red herring all along...

In any case, it's rarely disappointing when one of these pretenders gets a good old unmasking and has to face the consequences of their actions for all the world to see.

10. Deathstroke - Batman: Arkham Origins (2013)

Arkham Knight J Brand
Warner Bros. Montreal

In contrast to the others on this list, the unmasking of Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke, doesn't really have any impact on the story of Batman: Arkham Origins. But you've got to admit that it's a pretty darn cool moment.

Of the eight assassins that Black Mask's bounty on Batman lures to Gotham, Deathstroke is clearly the most evenly matched fighter when squared up against the Dark Knight. Though his role in the game isn't all that big, his boss fight easily stands as one of the best in the entire Arkham series - despite a bit of sneaky recycling from Arkham City's Ra's al Ghul boss battle.

Halfway through the fight, after fending off a massive volley of sword strikes, Batman jumps up and slams his fist down on the mercenary's one-eyed mask, knocking it straight off and exposing a very comics-faithful interpretation of the ageing Slade.

It doesn't affect the gameplay in any way. But the growl that Slade lets out when his face is revealed really gives you a sense of how insulted he is to have been unmasked by such a worthy opponent.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.