10 Landmark PlayStation Games That Changed Your Life

1. Final Fantasy VII

final fantasy VII sephiroth boss battle
Square Enix

The very mention of Final Fantasy VII is enough to stir up a short lifetime of fond memories for gamers who were raised on PlayStation, and with good reason.

It quickly became the yardstick by which all future RPGs were measured thanks to its epic story, cinematic FMV sequences, accessible battle system and memorable characters - Cloud and his gang were revolutionaries in more ways than one.

Final Fantasy VII was the game that exploded the series into the mainstream in the West and was responsible for popularising its genre in markets where turn-based combat was non-existent.

It comes as little surprise that cries for a Final Fantasy VII remake grew to a deafening pitch over the years, and with Square Enix finally heeding these calls, 2017 is shaping up to be a special year for gaming.


Which PS1 games totally changed your life? Let us know in the comments!


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