10 Last-Minute Plot Twists That Ruined Amazing Video Games

4. It's All A Video Game - Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time

Star Ocean Till The End Of Time Full 1128874
Square Enix

Star Ocean: Till The End of Time is the third instalment in the Star Ocean franchise and is perhaps best known for containing one of the most infamous late game revelations of all time. Towards the end of the game, the characters find out that their entire universe is actually a video game. Cue the epic eye roll.

It's quite easy to imagine the writers of Star Ocean 3 coming up with this twist and thinking it to be so clever. It's a commentary on the nature of video games; it's so meta it must be genius, right? Actually, no it's not. In fact, it ruins not just Star Ocean 3 but the entire franchise. Everything that fans of the games cared about was undermined by this revelation. It's like finding out that the Matrix exists in the third movie; it instantly makes you care less about the story and the world it takes place in.

In another stand alone game, this twist could be unique and intriguing, but not in a long running franchise. Unsurprisingly, a significant portion of the fan base didn't take kindly to this surprise reveal, and it has since gained a reputation for being a potent example of how not to do a plot twist.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.