10 Last-Minute Plot Twists That Ruined Amazing Video Games

2. The Internet Wants To Kill You - Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy)


Before he made Heavy Rain, David Cage made Fahrenheit, or Indigo Prophecy as it is known in North America. Like Heavy Rain, it is a detective story told through the viewpoint of multiple characters, but while that game is more restrained, Fahrenheit is gloriously off the hook.

The story gets more disorientating and bombastic as it goes along, and plot twists are dropped in increasingly convoluted fashion. While Fahrenheit offers a treasure trove of awful plot twists, the worst has got to be the introduction of the Purple Clan, a race of AI born from the internet whose goal is to take over the world.

Yes, this twist is just as stupid as it sounds, and it's usually at this point that anyone playing this game has got to be wondering whether continuing on is worth it. It is the tipping point that undercuts what is actually an intriguing set up, and while it certainly can be enjoyed in a 'so bad it's good' sort of way, there's no denying how terrible it actually is.

The reveal of the Purple Clan is just one plot twist too many, and it's one that's so over the top that it turns Fahrenheit into an outright comedy, which is the last thing you want when you're attempting to tell a serious story.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.