10 Last-Minute Plot Twists That Ruined Amazing Video Games

1. The Catalyst - Mass Effect 3

mass effect 3 ending

This is the mother of all terrible plot twists, one so bad that a genuine case can be made that it ruined not just Mass Effect 3, but the entire Mass Effect trilogy.

In the final minutes of what should have been an epic conclusion, Shepard discovers The Catalyst, the entity governing the entirety of the Reaper army. It vaguely explains its origins and motivations, and then forces you to make a hugely significant decision based on this sudden revelation.

Mass Effect 3's ending is a textbook example of an eleventh hour plot twist that ruins everything. Not only does it shoehorn in mountains of exposition at the last minute, but it does so in a way that provides more questions than answers. What revelations it does provide explicitly contradicts other elements of the story. It is flat, rushed, and emotionally vacant because there is no connection to anything that the player cares about.

This twist feels completely out of left field in the worst possible way, and very much like it was conceptualized in the final months of development. It is so disconnected from all of the excellent story that led up to it that you can point out precisely where it starts. It is a truly appalling final plot twist that made millions of fans cry out in horror, the result of which caused an uproar that rippled throughout the video game industry.


What are some other great games that were ruined by last minute plot twists? Let us know in the comments!

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.