10 Last-Minute Plot Twists That Ruined Amazing Video Games

9. Zombie Virus - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Naughty Dog

Up until a certain point, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a fun, exciting, and somewhat standard action adventure platformer. Nathan Drake sets out on an island for a fairly typical treasure hunt, which in this case is El Dorado. But towards the end things turn truly bizarre when Drake discovers the El Dorado is not a city of gold but is actually a sarcophagus containing a mysterious plague that turns people into blood thirsty zombie-like creatures.

The biggest problem with this plot twist is that it is so sudden and outlandish that it completely changes the tone of the game, which up until this point is carefree and adventurous. Suddenly, Uncharted becomes a horror game, which is completely jarring. This feeling isn't helped by the fact that the game feels grounded up until this point, after which it becomes completely unbelievable.

Proponents of this twist will claim that this inclusion of the fantastical, which would go on to be incorporated into every Uncharted game, is no different than that of the Indiana Jones series, by which Uncharted is highly influenced. But those films, particularly the first, are much more subtle with their inclusion of magic and the unknown, whereas Uncharted is bold, brash, and in your face.

The Uncharted games are still amazing, but the inclusion of the mystical has always been one of their weakest points, with the first game being the worst example.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.