10 Last-Minute Plot Twists That Ruined Amazing Video Games

8. The Sacrifice - Fallout 3


Fallout 3 is an astonishing game not necessarily because of its plot but more so because of its scope and exquisitely detailed open world. That being said, the story is interesting enough to get you invested, having you search far and wide for your father, who left you suddenly and without warning.

This long journey eventually leads you to Project Purity, the goal of which is to purify the water. However, there's a twist: the control room is flooded with radiation, so in order to activate it, someone has to die.

This twist is terrible not only because it creates an anticlimactic ending, but because it presents a false choice that is incredibly obvious to the player even as they are forced to make it. You either have to go in yourself, which will kill you, or send in your companion Sarah Lyons, which makes you a terrible person. However, if you have a radiation immune companion, the obvious choice should be to send them in. But the game doesn't allow you to make this choice, instead forcing you to choose from two predetermined outcomes.

This ending was universally despised, so much so that Bethesda took the opportunity with the Broken Steel DLC to it so that you can send in someone else. And just like that, this twist was erased from the game, unless of course you are playing the vanilla version, in which it still exists to disappoint everyone.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.