10 Lazy Mission-Types Every Gamer Hates

9. The Turret Sequence

While on-rails shooters can be immensely entertaining as arcade-style games, the extended turret sequences that have become commonplace in the shooter genre are anything but entertaining. Time and time again we're thrown into sequences in which we must mount a turret (or fire from the back of a vehicle) in an effort to suppress the endless waves of enemies that come at us. Taking gameplay mechanics that are already fairly simple and simplifying them further by restricting movement, weapon variety, cover mechanics and recoil might seem like an obviously foolish endeavour, but that hasn't stopped countless developers from cramming turret sequences into their games in order to prolong their campaign. Additionally, there are the equally-repetitive tropes that are always on display in a turret sequence: red explosive barrels, quick-time events, equipment health bars and other similarly unimpressive mechanics that are intended to spice up the experience of maiming innumerable foes. Anyone who played Call of Duty: World at War will happily regale you with stories of how tiring and wearisome the Black Cats mission was. Here was a level that saw players mounting multiple turrets in an attempt to save some Americans while simultaneously sticking it to the Imperial Japanese Navy. Mundane and dreary on regular difficulties and almost unplayable on the game's hardest difficulty setting, that mission (which offered nothing to the narrative) is the perfect indictment of the turret sequence.
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