10 Levels That Should've Been Cut From Recent Video Games
8. All The Open Combat Missions - Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III's campaign was a massive clanger for many reasons, not least that almost half the game was comprised of "Open Combat Missions" - open-world missions where players can choose to complete objectives either through stealth or Rambo tactics.
It's not an inherently terrible idea, yet these levels are so uncreative and joyless - filled with the most generic objectives imaginable - that they fast had most fans craving the more curated linearity of a typical, cinematic Call of Duty mission.
It's painfully obvious that Activision just copy-pasted the Warzone gameplay template in order to pad the campaign out and get the game to market in a hurry, and the result is the most creatively bankrupt and low-effort of all the Call of Duty story modes to date.
Indeed, even if you cut the Open Combat Missions out completely, the campaign would still be a hugely underwhelming affair - and really, really damn short at that.
If you're playing Modern Warfare III for anything but the multiplayer, you're gonna have a bad time.